Tooth and Claw: Living alongside Britain's predators (ebook)
Author: Peter Cairns & Mark Hamblin
Predators mean different things to different people. For some they are a symbol of wildness and a vital keystone species for ecological integrity. For others they are regarded at best as an inconvenience and a financial drain on rural businesses. There are no shortage of differing views on predator-related issues, whether that’s fox hunting, raptor persecution, reintroductions or even household cats, we all have an opinion. With contributions from a wide variety of individuals and organisations this book provides a fascinating insight into how we really feel about Britain’s predators and what this tells us about our changing relationship with the natural world. Tooth & Claw asks searching questions of us all. We are reminded of our fears, our prejudices and our inconsistencies. We are reminded too of our own place in nature, as the most powerful predator of all.