Our values reflect how we work to drive the recovery of nature across Scotland through rewilding, in response to the growing climate and biodiversity crises. They define us as an organisation and guide our relationships with partners, funders, supporters and wider interest groups.
We are ambitious and willing to take risks
Our vision is bold and ambitious, and we are willing to go where others can’t or won’t to effect the change we believe is urgently needed. When pushing at boundaries, our actions remain outcome-oriented and grounded in evidence.
We are storytellers
We believe passionately in the power of storytelling to help turn the tide for nature recovery. Across all our areas of activity, we share compelling stories to inform and influence perspectives, seeking to resonate with people’s values and emotional connections to nature.
We trade in hope, not fear and conflict
While we are driven by the grave challenges the world faces, our narratives are built around hope and possibility. We are forward-looking and focused on finding solutions, motivated by the positive outcomes we have seen rewilding deliver.
We are inclusive and respectful
We invite everyone to be part of Scotland’s rewilding conversation – across all ages, backgrounds and interest groups. We act with integrity and are open and respectful in our dialogue, working to understand differences of opinion and build bridges.
We collaborate for efficiency and impact
We forge connections and working partnerships with groups and individuals from a wide range of interests, where the pooling of skills and knowledge will help deliver change more effectively.