Mull, Argyll & Bute

1431 acres
Tiroran Community Forest is a flagship project of South-West Mull & Iona Development. The forest lies on the north side of Loch Scridain and straddles both sides of Glen Seilisdeir. Having been acquired by the community in 2015, it is being transformed from a predominantly productive conifer plantation into a much more diverse woodland habitat. With a nature trail through the historic settlement of Knockroy, the forest provides an educational and recreational amenity resource for both the local community and tourists. While proactive planting of native broadleaf and conifers will bring benefits for nature, the planting of productive conifers and the woodland sawmill provides a much-needed resource and local employment. A biochar enterprise, camping aires, and woodland crofts will bring additional benefits for the community.
Key rewilding commitments:
- MORE NATIVE WOODLAND: Planting more native tree species (hazel, oak, rowan, downy birch, alder and Scots pine)
- WILDER RIVERS: Riparian planting of native broadleaf trees (along the Seilsideir river)
- LET NATURE LEAD: Remove redundant fencing; remove rhododendron and self-seeding sitka
- CONNECT WITH COMMUNITIES: Continue to explore opportunities for recreation and education to maximise community benefit
'Tiroran Community Forest is a great example of how a community can transform a conifer plantation, and simultaneously bring benefits for people and nature.'
Philip Yielder, Community Forester