The award-winning Lynbreck Croft has become celebrated for the high-profile wilder farming practiced by owners Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer – described in their book ‘Our Wild Farming Life”. Since the land was acquired in 2016, a successful regenerative food business has been established and the site operates as a base for wilder farming courses. The land benefits from the presence of native pigs and cattle, and 30,000 native trees have been planted. Lynbreck Croft is testimony to the ability to produce food regeneratively in an upland setting in a way that benefits nature and drives ecosystem recovery.
Key rewilding commitments:
- MORE NATIVE WOODLAND: Maintenance of existing woodland through new native tree planting and natural regeneration. Planting of food productive fruit trees and creation of silvo-pasture with native stands.
- REINSTATE NATURAL GRAZING: Regenerative grazing with native Highland cattle to mimic impact of wild herbivores to build soil and biodiversity.
- CONNECT WITH COMMUNITIES: Running public tours and courses to educate and reconnect people with the food they eat and the land it comes from.
- CREATE REWILDING BUSINESS: Running a small-scale regenerative croft that is productive and profitable, where benefiting nature sits at the core of all decision-making processes.
"Our enterprise is focused on delivering healthy food but the effect on nature is considered in every single decision we take. Partnering with the land and addressing its needs are key to a viable future."
Lynn Cassells and Sandra Baer