East Lothian
East Lothian

Area Committed:
750 acres
750 acres
Clint estate sits in rolling countryside in the shadow of the Lammermuir hills. Part of the estate adjacent to the hills is no longer intensely farmed and the heather on the plateau is no longer burned. After decades of grazing and heather burning, nature is being given space to recover. Mosaic planting is taking place on the moorland edge and along the cleughs, and woodland across the estate is being reconnected. Wild grazing ecosystem benefits are being provided by a herd of native breed Galloway cattle.
Key rewilding commitments:
- MORE NATIVE WOODLAND: Continue planting native tree and scrub species. Create more seed islands on the hill ground.
- MORE SPACE FOR WATER: Look for opportunities to install ‘leaky dams’ in water channels.
- JOINED UP HABITATS: Create ‘wild tree corridors’ to connect habitats.
- RETURN MISSING SPECIES: Promote return of missing / rare plant species (such as aspen and juniper).
- LET NATURE LEAD: Create more vertical and horizontal deadwood.
- REINSTATE NATURAL GRAZING: Maintain native breed cattle (as proxies for missing wild species).