The Sustainable Food Garden - Rewilding Retreat - Rewilding Learning Day


Rewilding Learning Day

Faldonside Eco, Melrose, Scotland
1 day
Fitness: Easy
Group Size: 12

Join expert gardener Nick Major for this inspiring learning day focused on growing sustainable food, whilst fostering biodiversity in a small space.


Northwoods partner Faldonside Eco is on a mission to boost biodiversity, improve soil health and ensure food security for local communities in the Scottish borders. A central part of this work is the development of an organic food garden within the estate’s newly revitalised Walled Garden, led by gardener Nick Major. 

In addition to growing produce in alignment with principles of rewilding, The Walled Garden also provides a space where the local community can learn about the critical ecosystem services provided by soil health and biodiversity.  

Join Nick for an immersive learning day to discover how to grow sustainable food and foster biodiversity in a small space. You will be guided through the Walled Garden’s recent permaculture design, which takes inspiration from the idea of food forests, where natural systems are replicated to help nature take a lead. At the end of its first season, and the beginning of its next, Nick will introduce you to organic growing techniques and lead a practical session on planning and planting an edible garden. 

The Learning Day will cover:

  • Organic growing techniques for the fruit and vegetable garden, including: 

-   The use of hot beds, particularly in a cold climate.

-   Ramial chipped wood.

-   Interplanting for increased yields, improved biodiversity and pest management.

-   How to improve soil health using green manures and the no-dig system.

-   Crop rotation.

-   Observation as a growing technique.

-   Hugelkultur.

-   Seed saving.

  • An introduction to Food Forests.
  • Designing an edible garden for humans and nature.
  • Planting bare root fruit bushes and trees: how to prune, layer and take cuttings.
  • The controlled use of wild plants for food and health.

The Learning Day is for you if:

  • You are a landowner interested in growing sustainable food on a small scale.
  • You are a keen gardener interested in learning how to grow fruit and vegetables in a more nature-positive way.
  • You manage a community or market garden.


DATES: 7 Nov 2024 GUIDES: Nick Major STATUS: Open BOOK NOW




  • Tea/coffee/biscuits on arrival
  • All presentations, excursions and take-home resources
  • Certification for course attendance


  • Travel to/from the course
  • Lunch (please bring a packed lunch)
  • Personal expenses



Arrival from 9.30am for tea/coffee/biscuits, for a 10am start. The day will wrap up around 5pm. Please bring your own packed lunch. 

How do I get there?

By car:

Faldonside can be found on Google Maps here.

What3words: stun.subtitle.hers

Address: Faldonside House, Melrose TD6 9BG

What size are your groups?

The Learning Day is for groups of up to 12 participants. 

Is the course suitable for me?

Most of the day will be spent outdoors (no matter the weather), sometimes walking over rough and wet ground. Please wear appropriate (waterproof) clothing. We would recommend sturdy, waterproof boots or wellies.

If you want to discuss suitability further, please get in touch with our Rewilding Training Lead.

How does my custom benefit rewilding?

After covering the necessary costs associated with delivering the course, we are left with a surplus which, unlike a commercial tour operator with shareholders, is reinvested into our rewilding work.

Do local people benefit from my booking?

Yes. We are committed to developing nature-based business models that show how a landscape rich in nature can also support vibrant communities. Your custom allows us to train and employ local staff and to purchase supplies and services from local businesses. In doing so, we can demonstrate that rewilding is an economically viable land use in Scotland.


Our host for this Learning Day is Northwoods partner Faldonside Eco, a small rewilding estate near Melrose. Once owned by an eminent Victorian botanist who planted exotic tree species, the land lies alongside the River Tweed and consists of parkland and mature riparian woodland. Faldonside is now being transformed into a nature-positive site with an emphasis on sustainable living, where nature leads and natural processes are re-established. Central to its work is the estate’s newly revitalised Walled Garden which will provide the backdrop to our day.