Meet Our Guides

Stef is based in the Cairngorms and regularly guides our range of rewilding experiences. Outside of guiding, Stef manages our team of guides and trainers and develops our innovative programme of rewilding training courses and study tours.
Stef Lauer Rewilding Training Lead and Guide

Jack guides our Rewilding Journeys in the Cairngorms. He has worked as a professional wildlife guide, an ecologist, a wildlife ranger and a deer stalker, specialising in deer management for ecological restoration.
Jack Ward Guide

Malcolm guides our Rewilding Journeys in the Cairngorms. Following his study of zoology, Malcolm has worked in adventure and wildlife tourism for over 20 years and loves leading and educating in wild places.
Malcolm O'Reilly Guide
Following a career in wildlife and landscape conservation, Keith now guides our Rewilding Journeys in the Caringorms. When not guiding he works in avalanche forecasting, montane plant surveys and runs mountain environment training courses.